Acupuncture during Pregnancy treats a wide range of conditions such as nausea / vomiting, headache, carpel tunnel syndrome, sciatica, anxiety, depression, constipation and haemorrhoids.
Though Acupuncture is well known for it’s help towards the end of pregnancy, it is best to consult a little earlier to assess any need for regulation and support, before reaching the final weeks. Nature always knows best, and often women manage their pregnancy without any need for Acupuncture. However, the busyness of the world we live in, can influence how the nervous system reacts. Stress creeps in, impacting the natural flow of the body.
For Breech pregnancy, treatment with Moxibustion is becoming more popular, as women prefer to use natural methods of maintaining a healthy pregnancy and in preparation for natural labour. Moxibustion has been shown to increase fetal activity at around seven minutes after the start of the procedure until just after the treatment ends (Budd, 2000; Maciocia, 1998). In addition to this there is an increase in placental oestrogens and prostaglandin levels, which causes an increase in uterine contractility and therefore moxa (moxibustion) is also used to aid the labour process (Maciocia, 1998).
Acupuncture in Obstetrics is widely used within our neighbouring health facilities such as the NHS/UK. It is used also in hospitals and maternity clinics in Europe, America and worldwide.