Acupuncture is a system which supports and activates internal energy pathways in the body, corresponding with organs and body parts. It involves using tiny hair-like disposable needles to stimulate selected Acupuncture points to restore health and over all well being of the body and mind.
The theory and practice of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in China and is thought to have been practised as early as 6000BC. The first documentation of a system of meridians, diagnosis and treatment dates to around 100BC.
The meridian pathways supply vital energy, what the Chinese refer to as Qi (Chee). This Qi (vital energy) should flow freely, helping blood to move efficiently. When Qi and Blood become stagnant this causes problems, often manifesting as pain, discomfort and restlessness.
In our busy modern day lives this can often be ignored or overlooked, causing pain or discomfort to become more frequent, sleep to become more restless and anxiety to become more overwhelming.