What To Expect
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What To Expect

Many people who find Catherine are embarking on, or recovering from significant life changes; or suffering with health issues, trauma, stress and/or anxiety. Her unique blend of nursing experience, traditional chinese medicine, holistic & intuitive support; is woven into her investigative nature, compassion and care for her clients.


Her assessment skills include elements of TCM tongue and facial diagnosis; and integrates all aspects of wellbeing including lifestyle, nutrition, choices, relationships, belief systems, values. She works with a broad range of general physical conditions, emotional, post trauma and many issues associated with Stress and Anxiety; identifying and prioritising the needs of the client.


Catherine helps people understand and listen to the feedback of their body; educating and empowering people to build a life they can feel whole and confident about; living fully, happy and healthy. She is available for consultation in person and online.

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Catherine, what can I say, you have changed my life and helped me reset my body and mind. I spent so many years of my life dealing with constipation and getting some relief but nothing ever seemed to last long term. I had been to acupuncture before with other people but with you it just hit different. Your chat before the treatment is so uplifting, as you actually explained to me that it was childhood trauma that was the main contributing factor to me holding on to things. After my first appointment everything just clicked I was more aware of my actually mind set and the needles obviously were a great kick start! I can not recommend you enough you are such a special talented person who can help so many others. I love the impact you have had on me. I just wanted to share this with you for you to share with others as I know there are so many people like me dealing with chronic stress and constipation, and putting it down to diet instead of mindset.

Fiona, Cavan